Program Agenda


Applications are open from February 26 to March 10. Send us your CV and answer a short question (Why do you want to be part of the Unique and Important Program?).

Selection process

Step one: The talent management team and future lady mentors will invite selected lady candidates to the first interview based on the CV and the answer to the question from the application form.

Step two:
Get to know the lady mentors through an interview.

Step three:
Final selection of lady candidates for this year’s female mentorship program.

Introductory workshop

Getting together of lady mentors and lady mentees, as well as getting acquainted with the concept of the program and mentoring work.

Six mentoring sessions

One-on-one sessions involving lady mentors and lady mentees. Sessions can be held live or online, as agreed.

One follow-up sessions

Group sessions in which lady mentors and lady mentees participate, aimed at monitoring the progress of the program.

Final workshop

We end with a review of how much we have empowered ourselves and what will we do differently after this experience.